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Plain Natural Weave

The halfa fiber of these rugs is a finely handwoven version of the rugs traditionally used throughout Tunisian homes for centuries. The range of natural tones vary in a lyrical and unpredictable unique pattern. The different tones of grass are influenced by the time of year that the grasses are harvested and blended to create these natural waves. We love how the refined texture and aesthetic quality resembles the purity and simplicity of Japanese mats.


Each rug is custom woven by individual artisans in 12 – 14 weeks in sizes up to 8’ x 12’ maximum for $30 square foot. Rugs are woven in the color as shown. A 50% deposit is required upon order and final 50% prior to shipment. Delivery from NYC is an additional cost dependent on rug sizes. We will provide a scaled layout for approval prior to initial deposit and a photo of the actual rug prior to shipment.

We have a limited availability of 2’ x 3’ quality samples available for loan – a $100 deposit in advance and will be credited upon return.

We offer trade discounts upon presentation of credentials.

Sometimes, rugs are in stock from time to time and we currently have two of these rugs in stock in approximate sizes 3’ 3” X 6’ 5” for $400 each for immediate shipment.

Please email for all inquiries and orders.