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New Vintage pillows

2019 Flint and Zent0096-4-2.jpg

The Story of New Vintage Pillows

Vintage hemp and linen collected over the years from France and Eastern Europe, indigo boro cloths from Japan and indigo stripes from Mali West Africa and Ixixi indigenous organic grown cotton from Guatemala.

Some were collected as bolts of fabric while others had former lives as table cloths or grain sacks. All are elevated with special washes to break down the fibers and soften them even more, finished with minimalist details.

Each pillow is sewn in a New York atelier and customized with Belgian linen backs and a range of Japanese trims including leather or suede piping, micro-moss fringe, and then finished with heavy gauge industrial brass zippers.

A new twist on vintage for modern living.

We sold through most of our collection at the recent Field & Supply, sign up to the mailing list and follow us @flintandkent for our restocking.