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Wool Berber Rugs

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Bring in sustaiable natural textiles and colors in to your home for a calming, timeless effect.

About Our Wool Berber Rugs

 Our hand-woven Berber rugs are entirely made out of natural wool from the oasis of Gafsa in Tunisia. A place where nomadic tribes weave and spin the wool to make these sumptuous wool kilim Tunisian rugs. The complex design and abstract forms are often seen in indigenous Berber weavings and symbolize the creative spirit of tribal craftsmanship.

The soft yet durable and thick natural wool stands up to everyday use. We love how these indigenous patterns feel modern in monochrome tones of taupe, cocoa brown, ivory, and black and look at home in modern settings as well as traditional. They are also lovely to layer on top of natural jute or sisal rugs.

One-of-a-kind rugs, stock sizes coming soon.