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Tunisian Halfa Rugs

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A striking handwoven rug grounds a room simply with its rich texture and iconic pattern.

The Story of Tunisian Halfa Rugs

The artisans of the H’ssir El Halfa collective are located in a small village of Garat Agueb at the foot of Mount Chambi, in the Kasserine Region of Western Tunisia - not far from the Algerian border. 

Halfa grass, also known as esparto grass (Stipa tenacissima), is an indigenous perennial grass found throughout Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria, Portugal, and Spain. Growing about 3’ high, it is commonly found on the rocky soil of the high plains. These grasses are valuable for the balance of the area’s ecosystem and biodiversity. Requiring little water and resistant to the harshness of arid or semi-arid climate zones, it plays a fundamental role as a natural barrier against desertification and erosion.

It has been harvested for thousands of years and used for may purposes including rugs, rope, basketry, and espadrilles. Today it is subject to governmental protective protocols to help preserve it when it flowers in the spring.

The mission of the Hirfa Association created in 2012, is the preservation of tangible and intangible heritage and the rehabilitation of traditional ancestral skills. It has become a critical source of alternative income to support the local community. Many of the young women of this area have chosen to learn the traditional halfa weaving rather than traveling far to work in factories.The creative direction of the Hirfa Association is led by Mohamed Masoudi, founder of Atelier Driba (AD93), a 20 year old a multidisciplinary design and craft workshop based in Tunis. Atelier Driba has channeled traditional patterns into these modern and finely woven version of the rugs historically used throughout Tunisian homes for centuries.

Durable and soft underfoot, these are available to custom order in a range of plains and patterns. Details are below.


Patterns are available in custom sizes.

Custom Order Details

Each halfa rug is custom woven by individual artisans in 12 – 14 weeks in sizes up to 8’ x 12’ maximum for $30 square foot. Rugs are woven in the colors as shown. A 50% deposit is required upon order and the final 50% prior to shipment. We will provide a scaled layout for approval prior to the initial deposit and a photo of the actual rug prior to shipment. Shipping from NYC is an additional cost dependent on rug size and quantity.

We have a limited availability of 2’x3’ quality samples available for loan with a $100 deposit in advance that will be credited upon return.

We offer trade discounts upon presentation and approval of credentials.

Please email for all inquiries and orders.