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Postcards from Ogata

Alex Bates

Good morning Paris. The early bird gets the worm, right? We got an early start this morning to roam the streets, and do as the parisians do, stroll alongside the canal and pick up a fresh croissant. It would be wrong not to.

Today is all about Ogata. A magical wabi sabi oasis in the middle of the marais. A touchstone for me. Inspired details balanced with the absence of design, nature revered, architecture + history left bare. Nothing more. Nothing less. All to present delicate Japanese tastes, teas, wares, + sweets for one’s pleasure. Overwhelming the senses.

Simple bed with moody lighting facing look at a Cathedral through the window

Good morning Paris… early bird gets the view.

We were last here in Jan ‘20 just a few weeks before the world changed in ways that even the most prescient could have foreseen.

Fast forward to now, a week after mask + vaccine rules have been lifted, an endless run of sunny 60°+ days and Parisians seem almost giddy + light and yes, am happy to report there are more smiles than disdainful pouts in reaction to my poor attempts at french. I am now entertaining instead of annoying.

Inside Ogata

Their gratitude is palpable after strict lockdowns and we are grateful to be here to bear witness. Still standing + relishing a bit of joy and beauty in contrast to the suffering + devastation to the east.

Follow along on my Instagram, @flintandkent, for more snapshots.