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Filtering by Tag: colors

Craving Green... and a Little Taste of Spring


via avant gardenist @ pinterest "'Country’ is an idea – a texture, a flavour, a state of mind. Close your eyes, and imagine the English countryside. What do you see or hear, smell, feel or taste? It might be a sweep of beautiful landscape or the warmth of a roaring pub fire; perhaps a porch filled with dripping coats and muddy wellingtons, the scent of ripe apples and freshly baked bread, or the hum of bees in a sleepy kitchen garden." - Jasper Conran


Jasper Conran, Country, shot by Andrew Montgomery

via Kristen W @ pinterest

via Tricia Foley @ pinterest

via michele michael @ pinterest

via Kim Agnew @ pinterest

snow drops @ gardenista

Thankfully I am off to the country to spend Easter with my family and hopefully get a little dose of green.

Have a happy one!